Thigh Lift
Have the Best Legs of Your Life: Thigh Lift Surgery
Thigh lift surgery is a cosmetic procedure that aims to remove excess fat and skin from the thigh area, which is located between the hips and knees. This area of the body, especially in women, is often prone to fat accumulation, which can cause an unpleasant appearance and discomfort when walking.
Why is Thigh Lift Surgery Needed?
Typically, weight gain, pregnancy, aging and a sedentary lifestyle are the main culprits behind deformity and sagging skin in the thigh area. Thigh lift surgery is a viable option for those who want to improve the shape and appearance of their thighs.
How is Thigh Lift Surgery Performed?
The procedure involves the removal of excess fat and skin from the inner thighs, and a lipo contouring technique can also be used beforehand to further improve the area. The entire surgery usually takes between one and two hours and is recommended for individuals over the age of 40.
Ameli Some precautions should be taken before and after the operation. For example, individuals should stop using substances such as smoking and aspirin at least three weeks before surgery. Blood thinning drugs such as apranax, voltaren and vermidon should be avoided one week before the surgery. Green tea, cherry stem and tomato seed products should also be avoided one week before surgery.
Bathing should be avoided for the first two days after surgery. The sutures used in surgery are typically located inside the body and do not need to be removed.
While aging may cause some loosening in the thigh area after surgery, complete return to the preoperative condition is very unlikely. Overall, thigh lift surgery is an effective procedure to improve the appearance and function of the thighs.
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